'Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made.' Robert Browning
The Western World has a fear of growing old, of looking old, preservation is key, the youth are idolized and the elderly overlooked. When taking photographs of the older generation it is easy to become absorbed into their past, it is impossible not to get drawn in, they become part of you. The aim of my project Magic Number was to highlight an under represented and yet growing section of society, using the medium of photography to show the textured reality of a persons life. I have lost several friends from this project, the natural course of life, I feel very priveledged to have been a small part of their lives. I also feel an overwhelming sadness as to how we treat our older generation, particularly in the later part of their lives.
This project is on going as I continue to meet more interesting people to photograph.